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The International Forum For Truth & Reconciliation

Our Mission

We are bringing together an online international community of scholars, historians, intellectuals and the general public to research and discuss the truth of historical and current conflicts that are a source of suffering for millions of people worldwide. Establishing a comprehensive and inclusive global platform dedicated to truth and reconciliation is imperative for rebuilding renewed relationships. This forum seeks to encourage meaningful dialogue to set the tone for healing the deep-seated wounds of communities worldwide and advance positive social, cultural, religious, economic and political transformation on a global scale.

Join our journey of healing humanity through sincere and meaningful exploration of truth and a path to renewed relationships through reconciliation. Let's protect future generations from silent suffering.

The Journey

From acquiring a domain to setting up a private web server and the development of the website, setting up this forum has so far been an individual effort and financial investment.

The cost of development of the IT infrastructure and software required to launch a forum hosting a worldwide audience is very high and therefore requires public funding. Your contributions whether large or small will make a big impact.

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